Bill O'Reilly is a disgrace. There I said it.
On tonight's show he made the statement that most of the 200,000 homeless veterans in our country are either drug addicts or have mental problems. If they need help they can go to
Veterans Affairs because that's what they're for. Tell that to the homeless Vietnams veteran who froze to death last November because there wasn't room for him at the Veterans Affairs.
I blame people like you as part of the problem Billy. I've seen your type before. People like you just can't be wrong about anything. People who have to lie to make themselves right. That's right I said lie. You, Billy, are a liar. You contine to bang the drum about John Edwards trying to make the veterans an economic issue, and while that may or may not be a factor in things, the context that I have seen has always been in relation to the treatment of our wounded soldiers. You have to know this. If you don't then you really should save the commentary for someone more qualified.
I'm not overly surprised that you didn't respond to my open letter. Your kind never does. If we don't think like you then we don't love America. We want terrorists to attack the country because we don't support waterboarding because we know it to be torture. You gladhand the troops and use them to boost your ratings and pedestrian ego by visiting the troops and bringing your camera to show what a good person you are. Your kind makes me sick.
I speak as the son of a veteran, the nephew of veterans and the student and best friend of a veteran. I speak for the people who won't call you on your lies and obvious spin job. Oh wait, that's right. You have the "no spin zone". It should read "No Spin But Mine".
One thing you can be sure of Billy. I'm not going away. I'm going to keep speaking and trying to reach the people through my own writings. I'm going to speak out against the lies that you've told about the state of our veterans until you either admit to it or go away. I will not be silent on this.
Like I said in a previous article. You're a bully, and there hasn't been the bully yet that's made me back down from what I know to be right.
As for my readers. This is an important issue for me. I hope you all keep reading.
That's all for now. May the Lord bless you and may the Lord keep you, may He make His Face to shine upon you. Amen and amen. God bless our wounded warriors and may He keep our soldiers still fighting from all the dark places that may harm them.
End of line.
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