Saturday, December 15, 2007

Takingf a Stand

I'd like to take this moment to talk about a few things. Its likely to be a hot one today so be forewarned.

I am disgusted with the current administration. There was a point where the United States could claim the moral high ground. There was a time when we could stand proud in that fact and have confidence that there were some things we'd never do because they were wrong. Yet more and more it seems like we've left that morality behind us in the name of expediency and trying to do "the smart thing". The moral thing has become an inconvience to getting what the government says we need.

Looking back its easy to see where they've been able to justify some of this. We've slowly experienced a softening of our language to make certain terms less offensive or to gloss over the facts. I blame the media and the PC police for much of this nonsense. I blame Bill Clinton and his demand to know the definition of "is" during his depostion in a perjury defense. I blame us, as a society, for not stopping it when we could.

We have to take a stand on this. We have to demand the cessation of waterboarding as a means of "intense interrogation". We must demand that our leaders and abide by the rule of law. Whether or not our enemies do so is irrelevant. It is the right and morally correct thing to do.

As a Christian citizen and a conservative I DEMAND that the republican party denounce this practice for the barbaric and inhumane thing that it is. I encourage my fellow citizens on both sides of the political aisle to start writing emails and letters to our representatives and demand that this stop. We are a nation of laws and a nation of morals waterboarding violates both of these.

Our nation is built upon the idea that all mean are created equal and endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights. That among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We must stand together as a nation and let it be known that we cannot and will not abide the travesties that have been commited in the name of "gathering information" any longer.

Ask ALL the current candidates the tough questions. Ask them if they will abide by the rule of law. Ask them if they will cease the unlawful and immoral act of waterboarding. Ask they if they will abide by the constituion in all things.

It might not be the "smart thing" to do; but it is the moral thing to do, and that's more important than anything else. It is by no means easy, but doing the moral thing never is.

That's all for now. May the Lord bless you and may the Lord keep you, may He make His Face to shine upon you. Amen and amen.

End of line.


That_1_Guy said...

I may not share the same beliefs as you, but you are right. Waterboarding shouldn't be labeled as an interrogation method. I mean it's torture! And sometimes the 'right thing to do' is also the 'moral thing to do'. Aside from the point it was a really well written artcle.

jkdjr25 said...

Many thanks. I like it when people comment. If you disagree with anything feel free to let me know. I encourage active discussion here as long as it stays civil.