Friday, December 7, 2007


There are tragic times in life. I think we can all agree on that point. Bad things happen and hit us in the heart, it makes us angry, depressed and sometimes it makes us feel like ending it all. Sorrow is a natural part of life, its a part of what makes us human. The ability to feel emotional pain is part of what makes us appreciate the good times in life.

As a Christian, this holds especially true to me. God never promised us an easy life. never said that there wouldn't be hard times while we were alive. I accept that, and most times I readily embrace it. Over the years I've developed a personal philosophy on the matter that goes a little something like this. "There are storms in life, this we cannot avoid. What matters isn't the storm you face, but how you face it. You can either stand up and look straight into the eye of the storm saying I am a child of the Living God, bring it; or you can crumple into a ball and just hope to survive." Lately it seems like there's just been one storm after another, after another in succession; and it is hard to maintain the faith that's seen me through so much.

From being bullied and emotionally abused for my entire time in school, to the trouble I've always had finding and holding a job, to my current situation of trying to get medical assistance to help pay for a hospital stay from earlier this year. I've come through them all, by the grace of God, and become the person I am. I wouldn't change any of it, because I wouldn't be who I am without those things that happened.

I mention all this because my sister was pregnant with her second child recently. She lost the child, and that's what it was, a child. (Don't go there in trying to say anything about that.) In some ways this storm is harder for me because its not me that's facing it. As much as my sister and I don't get along I've always had her back. This is something that I can't really help with and I hate it, but its a storm of life so I can either face it as above or I can retreat.

If you take nothing else away from this post take this. God loves us. He doesn't allow these things to happen in order to cause us harm. We have to trust that God, our Abbah Father, knows what's going on and that there are reasons for them that we are unaware. Its hard sometimes, and its never truly easy; but it is what it is.

That's all for now all. May the Lord bless you and may the Lord keep you, may He make His Face to shine upon you. Amen and amen.

End of line.


That_1_Guy said...

Hey there I hope you feel better. Your right our lives are full of storms we have to face. I'm also sorry for how Pandralisk treats you on Gamepolitics, but it seems that he's being less of an...well jerk as of late. You really didn't need to see those hateful comments. So ummm best of luck towards you and your family.

jkdjr25 said...

Many thanks.

I don't really recall what I said that might have been hateful, but I apologize if you were offended. I try to speak my mind plainly. Maybe I've just reached a point where I've grown weary of trying to tone down what I want to say. *shrugs*
Either way thanks again.